
Staying Creative

This past week was a slow week with out many photos being taken. I get a little antsy when I don't have any photos to edit or projects going on. Sometimes it's in these situations where I'll take a simple artsy photo that I've taken recently and see what I can create. I'll start of with the photo and play around with it in Lightroom and try out different presets. I might lose interest in the photo or bring it into to Photoshop and see what else I can create. Like a painter contemplating his next move, I'll sometimes view the image for an extended period of time and just think about it. Unlike a painter, I can try as many different things as I want! I am big fan of interesting geometry and perspective so that is what I went after here with this example.

The location. I was actually scouting for a future shoot

The unedited image

The two edited images I brought into Photoshop. The poles reminded me of matches or pool sticks

The final creation "Sticks Inside"

I love art that is printed HUGE. Here is another image I put together from the past that is a composite and would look great printed huge.

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